Social Responsability


Cromolab has had and will always have an attitude of respect towards the environment by recycling equipment and parts, and requesting special services to collect special material.

Cromolab has had an active "green"  attitude throughout its business activities by giving advice to its clients about ecologic issues especially  toxic waste.
Cromolab promotes the reutilization of parts, equipment and solvents with the objective to reduce the waste produced.

Cromolab is a member of CPAS and QUERCUS. These NGOs develop  enviromental projects such as marine ecosystems surveys  and release of endangered species.


Cromolab supports projects of UNICEF by buying its products.


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Since 2003 Cromolab has been a member of  Quercus the most considered environmental NGO-Non Governmental Organization  in Portugal.
Cromolab supports projects of this  NGO because they have in their  top priorities studies and reports addressed to the public in general and govermental entities in particular about the dangers and solutions as well as building up legislation about toxic residues. The CIR is the centre that combines all the information and research about toxic residues


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Since 2002 Cromolab has been supporting CPAS-Centro Português de Actividades Subaquáticas, in its projects on environmental education and scientific research.